Sagging Ceiling

Have Trouble With Sagging Ceiling? Find Out The Possible Causes And Fixes

A sagging ceiling can be very dangerous. A severely saggy roof could collapse at any moment. You will have to take action to fix the issue as soon as possible. First, let us see how to know if your ceiling is sagging? Below are the warning signs you will notice in a sagging roof:

  • Visible join lines throughout rooms
  • Visible cracks in the ceiling or cornice
  • Bow in ceiling
  • Noticeable gaps between ceiling and timber rafters inside the roof   space
  • Pushing on sections of the ceiling and if there is any movement then the ceiling starts to sag.
  • Noises or cracking noises
  • Screw holes showing

Do you notice any of these warning signs? If you do, then you have to take action. Now, Can a sagging ceiling be fixed? Yes, of course. However, before you solve the issue, you need to do one thing. That is to find what caused the ceiling to sag in the first place. Scroll through to find out possible causes for your sagging roof.

Sagging Ceiling

Sagging Ceiling Causes

There are a few common reasons that cause roofs to sag. Let us see what each of those is:

1) A Damaged Foundation

Is the land beneath your house appropriately graded? Or was the foundation constructed well? If your answer is no, then the foundation is at fault for the issue. With this sort of foundation, the house can sink into the earth with time. It can cause cracks in the drywall, sagging ceilings, and more issues.

2) Poorly Installed Drywall

What if your ceiling is sagging, but there is no water damage? Then, the drywall must be the culprit. The standard for drywall ceilings is usually 4″ screws placed 12″ apart.

If somehow the screws are too far apart, the ceiling may eventually sag. It can also happen for homes constructed with the wrong

drywall. Drywall that is too light will struggle to support the load of the ceiling.

3) Water Damage

Guess what? Water damage is the most common reason for sagging ceilings. How does that happen, you may wonder. Well, it can occur due to leaks from upstairs bathrooms, for example. The water stains can collect within the ceiling. With time, it can weaken the plaster and drywall. Then the roof will continue to sag and warp if you do not repair it. If the problem persists for a while, the roof will eventually collapse. Sagging ceilings caused by water damage can create health hazards as well. It can lead to respiratory problems, nose bleeds, and poor health in general

4) Age

Another reason is ‘father time.’ When the house gets old, it is more likely the ceiling will sag or crack. With time, the adhesives and fixings holding the building together begin to fail.

Now that you found what caused the saggy ceiling, we can move on to fixing it.

How to fix a sagging ceiling?

First, check if the ceiling is hanging an inch or more away from the base. If so, then it is severely damaged. If you notice this issue in your house, you will have to remove the old plaster. Then you have to re-plaster the roof. You can also cover it with a wallboard.  Now, it is not an easy task. If you manage to follow the steps perfectly, you will be able to fix large sags.

1.The first thing is first; you have to remove the loose plaster gently. Then, install drywall screws and plaster washers around the loosened area. Get a piece of scrap drywall and cut out a chunk. Try to get the shape of the patch rectangular or square. Then, place the plaster patch covering the hole and outline using a pencil.

2.You can cut the excess out using a straightedge or drywall saw. Now you got the shape that fits around the patch area. Then, install wallboard clips on the edges of the damaged wall. You can use screws supplied with the clips for this. Remember that the distance between them should not be more than 12 inches.

3.Insert the wallboard patch into the hole. Then drive screws through the wallboard patch into each of the wallboard repair clips. Chop off the temporary tabs from the repair clips. Next, you can add wallboard tape and compound to the sides of the patch.

4.Once the first layer of the coat is dry, add a second layer. This second application helps to smoothen and conceal the tape. If you, however, pile the taping compound in one thick coat, then the repair will look obvious. So, make sure to avoid doing that. Next, remember to sand the surface to smooth the area. Then you can add a coat of primer and paint.

Now, in case your house has a lower ceiling, you can install another roof below the sagged one. That way, you can save time. However, you may want to hire a professional to assist you in this process. You do not want to take unnecessary risks.

repair sagging ceiling motorhome

With time the ceiling of your motor home can get yellow and sag. Also, if the motor home has a history of water damage, water stains may be on the ceiling. So how can you fix this problem?  The good news is the repair is not that difficult. All you need is the right tools, supplies, and instructions. You will be able to turn your sagging motor home ceiling to showroom-new in no time.

Now, what you have to do first is measure the spot you need to repair. Then, cut a piece of the vinyl fabric according to your measurements. Make sure to cut out the shape to match the spot. Try not to leave any jagged edges.

Then, wait for ten minutes and check the repair job to make sure the edges are secured.

You can add a little bit of cement to the edges if needed.  That is it! After that, you can move to the next point and repeat the steps to repair that.

repair sagging ceiling

How can you fix a sagging ceiling joist?

1st step

First, you have to determine the location of the sag. Run your level along the joist. You can find the point at which it indicates the beam is level with the ground. That will be the bottom-most point of the u-shaped sag. Make sure to mark these points on the joists. Label the same parts on the ceiling frame as well.

2nd step

Jack up the ceiling using the bottle jack. You may want to extend its range by standing a straight plank on top of it. You can lay a solid wood block underneath the jack to avoid damaging the floor. Jack up the ceiling carefully, about a quarter of an inch per day.

3rd step

Check the distance between the joists. The measurement will determine the length of the strongback needed.

Now we can construct the strongback!

 1st step

First, lay the two-by-four flat on the ground and the two-by-eight stiffener on its side next to it. The wood planks should be parallel to each other. However, they should appear to form an “L” shape when you look from the side. Grab two nails per 2 feet of plank and nail the stiffener to the 2 x 4.

 2nd step

Get the platform ready for the strongback to lay on. Place the two-by-six blocks onto the ceiling frame on the marks you made. Make sure to set them in an upright position. Lay them in a way that the 6-inch sides are parallel to the joists. Now, the length of the blocks should stick straight up. It should create the platform that the strongback will sit on.

3rd step

Toenail (driving screws in at an angle) the block onto the frame with four 6d nails. Make marks using a pencil 3/4 of an inch from the bottom of the frame to do so. Do this on each side of the block. Keep your foot behind the block and line up a nail with one of the marks. Nail the wood about a quarter-inch of the way straight into the block from the other side. Remove it and place it 50 degrees downward. Then hammer the

nail in all the way. You have to repeat this step for the earlier marks too. Toenail the remaining blocks onto the frame by following the same action.

4th step

Next, set the strong back over the toenailed blocks and ceiling joists. Use two 12d nails per joist or block and nail the two-by-four of the strongback to the posts.

Sagging Ceiling Repair Cost

Usually, plaster or drywall ceiling repair costs about $50 to $100 per square foot. It could also be between $300 and $1,200 on average. Minor repairs like fixing holes or cracks cost about $200 to $500. On the flip side, major repairs can cost $400 to $1,200 to correct sagging, water damage, or replace the ceiling. Usually, most contractors charge a minimum of $100 to $150 for ceiling repairs.

Note that the contractors consider different factors when adding up the cost. The cost can differ according to factors like:

  • Size of the room – Large rooms take more time and equipment. If you are paying your contractor hourly, you can expect a higher cost for a larger property.
  • Type of ceiling- You can classify ceilings according to style or material. Some ceiling materials come at cheaper rates. There are also ceiling types that are easier to install than others. On the other hand, ceilings that are more difficult to install will take more time to finish. In this case, it will cost you a higher amount.
  • Materials-  Installers include in their quotes the cost of materials they plan to use for your project. Usually, they use plasterboard for ceiling installation jobs. However, there are many different materials that they will use. For example, wood planks, tiles, and screws.
  • Finishing touches – The addition of moldings, cornices, textures, and other features on your ceiling will also add up to the final cost.

Ceiling Repair

Sagging Ceiling – Summary

Now you can understand the reasons behind sagging ceilings. Also, you know how to fix the issue as well. Sagging ceilings is not something you can ignore because it can be dangerous. If left alone, a sagging ceiling can lead to safety hazards. Over time, it could come crashing down on a person. So follow the steps you learned and fix them as soon as possible. Take action right away. The sooner you repair the ceiling, the safer it is for you and your family.

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